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Fund members can choose between seven pre-designed portfolios for supplementary contributions. Investments are diversified between asset classes, countries, industries and companies. Members can choose a portfolio according to their age or the risk they are willing to take.

  • Almenni recommends The Lifetime Track in which the holdings are transferred between the Life Portfolios in accordance with fund member´s age.
  • The Life Portfolio I is recommended for members from the age of 16 to 44. The investment strategy is 70% equities and 30% bonds.
  • The Life Portfolio II is recommended for fund members in the age of 45 to 56. The investment strategy is 50% equities and 50% bonds.
  • The Life Portfolio III is recommended for members 57 years and older. The investment strategy is 20% equities, 55% bonds and 25% bank deposits.
  • The Short Term Government Bond Portfolio invests in government guaranteed bonds/bills and bank deposits.
  • The Long Term Government Bond Portfolio invests mainly in indexed linked long duration government bonds.
  • The Savings Account Portfolio invests in bank deposits in at least four banks.
  • The Mortgage Portfolio, the latest addition to Almenni’s scheme, invests 70% in mortgage backed bonds, 15% in government bonds and 15% in bank deposits.
  • Click here for a Fact Sheet in English about all portfolios.

Investment Plans

The Lifetime Track is designed to simplify investing for fund members.

  • When fund members choose the Lifetime Track their holdings are automatically and without additional costs, transferred between the Life Portfolios in accordance with age.
  • The Lifetime Track supports the concept that market risk tolerance will decline as fund members grow older and need more stable net return over the remaining holding time.
  • According to the Lifetime Track members, age 16 to 44 pay their contributions to Life Portfolio I.
  • From the age of 45 members pay contributions to Life Portfolio II and from the age of 57 members pay contributions into Life Portfolio III.
  • The holdings are then transferred automatically and gradually in three years between the portfolios without additional costs.

Life Portfolio I

Designed for those who are willing to take risk.

  • The objective of Life Portfolio I is to ensure that fund members receive a high net return over a long period of time. The portfolio is well diversified across a various number of countries and industry groups consisting of both equities and bonds. The market risk is high due to the investment strategy.

Life Portfolio II

Designed for those who are willing to take medium risk.

  • The objective of Life Portfolio II is to ensure that fund members receive a high net return over a long period of time. The portfolio is well diversified across a various number of countries and industry groups consisting of both equities and bonds. The market risk is medium due to the investment strategy.

Life Portfolio III

Designed for those who are seeking less risk and for those who have started withdrawal of their begun taking pension benefits. and are drawing on their deposits.

  • The objective of Life Portfolio III is to ensure that fund members receive a stable net return over the remaining holding time through a well balanced portfolio, mainly consisting of bonds, deposits and a small part of equities. The market risk is less than in Life Portfolio I and II due to the investment strategy.

Mortgage Portfolio

Invests in mortgage backed bonds, government bonds and bank deposits. invests in Treasury-guaranteed bonds/bills, bank deposits, covered bonds and mortgages.

  • Investment strategy: 40% mortgage backed bonds (issued by fund members), 30% mortgage backed bonds (issued by banks), 15% government bonds and 15%  bank deposits.
  • We recommend the portfolio:  For fund members who are seeking relatively low price fluctuations and wish to invest in a portfolio that holds mortgage backed bonds, government bonds and bank deposits. Large part of the assets are both mortgage backed and index‐linked.
  • Click here for the current asset allocation.

Savings Account Portfolio

Suitable for all ages having relatively low price fluctuations and a low market risk.

  • The main objective is even and continuous growth through bank deposits in at least four banks. The main emphasis is on index-linked deposits, but a relative small portion of the deposits are non-index-linked.
  • Investment strategy: 100% bank deposits.

Government Bond Portfolio

Invests in bonds guaranteed by the Icelandic government with a 3 to 8 year duration time.

  • The portfolio is suitable for fund members who wish to own a long duration government bonds that are mainly indexed linked. The market risk is quite high due to the long duration of the bonds which can result in considerable price fluctuations.